Autumn is my favourite season in Canberra. Generally beautiful sunny days, cooler nights and mornings…… and plenty of colour on the many deciduous trees.
As we hadn’t had too many photos together since Zinnia was a newborn we let the big kids loose with the many leaves all over the ground and tried to make the most of lovely Autumn light before the cold Canberra Winter set in.
Of course it’s always hard to get everyone cooperating for the camera, I much prefer taking photos of other people, but given Zinnia’s current love of food, she won’t be this little (5 months in these photos) for much longer!

Collecting massive piles of leaves and throwing them in the air is pretty much the best fun you can have!

Zinnia was a little perplexed at the leaf throwing but is seemingly used to her siblings acting like nutters!
She is currently obsessed with Anto’s beard. The only thing better than beards is flying…….

Zinnia wasn’t quite sure why leaves kept falling from the sky, but she took it well. That brother and sister of hers are endlessly entertaining!

The big two might fight constantly some days but they can be cute together some of the time…… and they adore their little sister!

Getting them to stay still is impossible, so dancing was where it was at. At least the little one still cooperates (sometimes!).

Autumn is the best. We’ve missed most of it the last 2 years, being in Europe over March and April. European Spring is pretty pleasant too, but it was nice to be home to enjoy the beautiful weather before Winter sets in…….