Easter fun – this year with 3 little bunnies (and in Australia)……

This year we were actually in Australia for Easter, after being away the past 2 years but the little bunnies still made the most of it with plenty of chocolate, fun…….. and even an Easter egg hunt at Granny’s! The big 2 certainly did well in the chocolate stakes, even if Zinnia wasn’t allowed any for her first Easter (I think all bets are off by next Easter).

There were plenty of bunny ears and Zinnia made up for her lack of chocolate by tasting her favourite bunny toys……..

Last year (2018) we were lucky enough to be in Paris for Easter (with Granny), and did an Easter egg hunt in a park not far from the Eiffel Tower.

The rest of the Easter weekend was walking the city, eating crepes and enjoying our hand made chocolates we had scored in Brugge, Belgium the week before. We also managed to to go to an Easter string quartet concert in the Madeleine Church. Something totally different to a Canberra Easter.

Two years ago (2017) we happened to be in Italy for Easter. The first bit of the Easter weekend was finishing our bike tour, riding around the beautiful Sardinia. Where we also scored the most amazing breakfasts full of chocolates and traditional Italian Easter treats.

We then flew to Venice on Easter Sunday, for more chocolate, pizza, gelato and plenty of amazing sights! We were even staying in an apartment with it’s own canal water door……..

Well, now it’s 2019 and we were most definitely in Canberra for Easter. Not the highs of a European Spring Easter, but a nice relaxing weekend in beautiful Autumn weather.

With a 5 month old Miss Zinnia, I think I felt about as jet-lagged and exhausted as the previous 2 years but still managed to make sure Easter morning was still full of chocolate and happy kids!

Zinnia wasn’t sure what all the fuss was about but she did score a new bunny and and some bunny plates and cups. I think she not so secretly wanted the chocolate though!

After a morning of chocolate, it was over to Granny’s for lunch and the much awaited Easter egg hunt! We couldn’t replicate hunting for eggs in Paris so we had to make do with a back-yard hunt instead. Zinnia was happy to sit it out and get cuddles from Aunty Triona……..

Astrid and Soren were all over the egg-hunt though. Astrid was a bit unstoppable and my need her clues in French next year (it slowed her down last year). They both did well though!

After a fun-filled day I was informed that they are looking forward to next Easter. Apparently Astrid and Soren have cooked up a plan to fly to the UK and visit Heston Blumenthal’s restaurant for some chocolate treats. They figure Zinnia can eat chocolate by then!

I think we need to lower their Easter expectations, and ban them from watching SBS cooking shows……..

Zinnia certainly seemed to enjoy her first Easter and will probably enjoy the second even more, with the addition of chocolate!

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