11 October 2012 – Our first day in Paris

Thursday the 11th of October was our first full day in Paris. We had a very bad nights sleep, since we still didn’t have a port-a-cot so Miss A was in with us, and she decided 1am was the appropriate time to start the day. Given how well she behaved on the flights, we couldn’t complain too much, but let’s hope she adjusts quickly.

 In the morning we went for a walk to check out our surroundings. Our apartment is on a busy street that is full of cafe’s, fromageries, boulangeries, patisseries and many restaurants. Photos to come in the next few days!

 We wandered further afield and found a shopping centre and picked up a few essentials. Later, to discover there are 2 supermarkets within 20m of our apartment. Oh well, the walk was good to stretch our legs. On our travels we indulged in our first French croissant. Astrid approved! (see previous post). We managed to stop in at the apartment realtor on the way back from our walk and found our port-a-cot that, hadn’t been delivered (despite them promising to do so). When we enquired about the linen (which we specifically confirmed being available before leaving Australia) they did their typical French shrug and looked at us like we were silly (or maybe annoying). It also caused a 3 person argument in French. In then end we got a sheet and carried the cot back to our apartment. We convinced Miss Astrid to have a sleep in her cot over lunch and all got some much needed rest.

In the afternoon we wandered to a nearby park, Jardin Des Halles. Not bad for our local park! It has a dedicated, and fenced, section for 1-8 year olds, complete with security guards. The section for older kids looks even more impressive but we don’t want to let Astrid loose on that equipment quite yet. The small kiddie section had lots of good play equipment, a train, tunnels and various other fun things for the little ones. Each piece of equipment has the specific ages listed on it.

 At about 5pm the place was inundated with small children accompanied by their nannies. The French seem fond of their nannies! Astrid loved her play and indulged in chasing pigeons. It must have made her feel at home. She seemed to think it was another version of BP (her pigeon). We promised to go back to the park again soon, and the even bigger, more impressive parks are also beckoning.

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