A week late, but here is Astrid’s 16 month update:
Astrid was 15.5 months when we left home so she had the second half of her 16th month in Paris. She coped extremely well with all the travel to get here. We were quite worried as it’s a lot for an adult but it’s much harder when you are an infant.
Prior to this trip she had done several trips to Sydney and to visit her Grandparents in Queensland, so full day car trips and 2ish hour flights. But nothing long haul. She likes her house, her bed and her pets and has taken awhile to adjust when we have been away before. She has adjusted here pretty well this time. She was very confused for the first few days but now seems to be comfortable in her new home. She obviously misses things from home because when we show her pictures of her pets (emailed by uncle Mikl) she says ‘miss cat’ and blows them a kiss.
She has been loving getting out and about and has coped well with long periods in the stroller and carrier. It has been hard for her not having a strict routine but we try to keep to her home routine as much as possible and most days she is still close to what she was doing at home. She adjusted to the 10 hour time change after about 3 days and is now stubbornly refusing to adjust to ‘Paris time’ which requires doing nothing before 10am and staying up late. She thinks early mornings and early nights are the go…..
She has been loving trying all the new food and adores croissants and all patisserie products! Eating new food has probably been the highlight of her trip so far. That and all the amazing parks.