Favourite Photo Friday – 8/2/13

I have been very slack with the blogging this week. Anto is working on some new templates for the blog layout and in the meantime it seems a bit broken. Hopefully I will get some new pretty looking posts up next week.

 In the meantime here is the photo for this Friday. This was taken a couple of weeks back in the paddock where we take the alpacas to eat after their walk. I have a whole series of these shots of Astrid I will post, but this one is pretty cute. She was actually chasing a fly that kept buzzing around her face……… or maybe it was me constantly taking photos of her that was causing that reaction?

Photo details:
D7000 with Nikkor 50mm f1.8
ISO 160, focal length 50mm
Exposure: 1/3200 @ f3.2

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