What have we been up to?

Regular readers will notice an absence of posts over the last couple of weeks. We have been away on a little family holiday to Fiji!  We had no internet (and no tv or phone) for most of the trip, so not a chance at posting.

We are now back and I have to start the task of sorting through the almost 1000 photos I took over the 2 weeks. I haven’t exactly gotten very far with all the catching up on washing, cooking, cleaning and sick toddler management that has been going on over the last couple of days.

Anyway here are a very small handful of photos I have grabbed from our first few days away. Lots of pictures and stories to come over the next couple of weeks!

Oh and someone is turning 2 this week! Whose idea was it to throw a birthday bash 6 days after returning from overseas? A very busy week lays ahead but I will catch up on Fiji posts and will share plenty of birthday pics over the coming days and weeks, so stay tuned………

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