Favourite Photo Friday 19/7/13

Lately Astrid has been really interested in babies, something to do with impending arrival of one in the house perhaps? At any rate she keeps asking to see photos of when she was a baby and she likes seeing how little she was and photos of herself being bathed in the baby bath. As a result we have been reading her first year album I made her, which is full of photos from her first 12 months. Looking through it reminds me how much she has grown and how little she was.

 Today’s photo is one of my favourites. Taken when she was 11 days old. She is wearing a hand knitted jumper and laying on a hand knitted rug (knitted by my Nanna) and wrapped in a blanket knitted just for her by one of my friends. She looks so peaceful and cosy!


 D80 with Nikon 50mm f1.8mm
ISO 320, focal length 50mm
Exposure: 1/125 @ f/1.8

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