This weeks photo is from our Europe trip. It’s not a spectacular scenery photo, or even a particularly cute photo of Astrid. It’s some photos taken the day we went to Zurich zoo. We had seen the forecast for the day and it was starting out at about 2 degrees and raining and was gradually dropping to below zero with snow expected. We had been walking around in the wet during the morning doing some sight-seeing and by the time we caught the tram up the hill to the zoo, sure enough huge flutters of snow were coming down.
It was the first snow for the Zurich Winter (it was still technically Autumn, but first of the season I guess). It was also the first time Astrid had been out in snow. She had played in the snow in Switzerland but it was bright and sunny while we were there and not actively snowing. This was her first taste of the white stuff falling from the sky. She did look particularly cute all rugged up in her snowsuit on Anto’s back. This photo was taken just after we entered the zoo as we realised how cool it was to be walking around in snow drifts seeing all the animals. Most of the animals had heated enclosures and didn’t seem that phased by the snow.
The zoo was awesome but we only lasted a few hours in the snow so we didn’t get to see all of it. One day we will go back though!
I do love all the snow stuck to my lens! Most of the photos from that day are a little less than stellar since there was so much snow falling. It was a great day though and a very fun and different zoo experience!