Now a family of 4…….

I was lucky enough to have some birth photos taken by the lovely Melissa from Melissa Ellis Photography. I’ll do a blog about the birth soon, with some pics. However,  in the mean time, Melissa has also kindly done a family photo shoot for us.  I take a mountain of photos, and Antony is also very handy with the camera, but it’s very rare for us both to end up in the picture at the same time! It is lovely to have some family photos.

Melissa came by our house when Soren was 12 days old and spent some time taking some pictures of our new family of 4 (humans that is, if you take into account the animals and fish we have a much fuller house!).  Here are a few of the images from our session.  All photos in this post are by Melissa Ellis Photography.

Baby Søren

Our cheeky Astrid (2 years and 4 months)

Doting big sister and her new brother

Father and son

My little baby

With my two kidlets


Family time……..

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