ANZAC bikkies on ANZAC day

I know ANZAC day was over 2 weeks ago, but I just realised that I hadn’t posted pictures of Astrid’s ANZAC day baking.  To be fair we make ANZAC biscuits all year around, probably every few weeks. They are one of the easiest and most delicious biscuits, so we make them any time we run low on biscuits……. these little beauties can be whipped up in less time than it takes us to drive to the shops and buy a packet of biscuits.

Astrid is a very seasoned biscuit baker and made this batch almost entirely on her own. She knows how to measure the ingredients and can mix very well.  It was her first go at shaping all the dough balls and we had quite a variety of sizes but it was a pretty good job for a two year old. Licking the bowl once they are all done is the most important part of the job!

Everyone likes their ANZACs a different way. In our household we like our ANZAC bikkies to be crunchy on the outside with a slightly chewy centre.  Our recipe is very basic and the trick is just to get the liquid balance right (sometimes you need to add a touch more water) and to pull them out of the oven as they are mostly browned but still a little underdone in the centre as they keep cooking.

This is the recipe we use (the one my mother always used) and I’m yet to find a better one:

ANZAC biscuits 

1 cup of plain flour
1 cup of rolled oats
1 cup coconut
1 cup sugar

Mix dry ingredients in a bowl

110g or 4oz of butter
2tbsp hot water
1tbsp golden syrup

Melt the butter, water and golden syrup in the microwave then add 1tsp of bicarb to the wet ingredients. Add the wet ingredients to the dry. Shape into balls, place 5 cm apart on baking trays as they spread as they cook. Bake in a 180C oven for approx 12 minutes or until golden. Let cool on trays.
Makes approx 24.

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