A tea party to celebrate being THREE! – part 2

In Part 1  I posted about all the details of the party, but due to my usual photo overload I thought I’d share the excitement of the party in this separate post.  We decided to have Astrid’s party the day before her actual birthday so on the morning of the party she was still 2, and it wasn’t yet time to open presents from us.  Still, she was beside herself with excitement and spent the morning helping us set up, do the last minute food preparation and prancing around in her pretty dress.

The morning flew past and finally at 10.30am her friends started to arrive.  We had a range of ages, with Soren the youngest and lots of primary school aged kids.  The kids all played well together, and credit to all the older boys who helped out with the younger ones, played musical instruments for them and generally kept themselves entertained.  As usual, under our stairs was the place to be.  All visiting kids love to play under there, something we didn’t necessarily plan on when we designed the house all those years ago!


Being the only baby, Soren got plenty of attention and cuddles and seemed to be having a great time, and not at all fussed that his morning nap was interrupted or that he had missed a feed.

With the kids amusing themselves the adults got quite a bit of chatting and eating done.  There were the occasional food raids by the kids, but most of them were too busy playing to eat their fair share of food. Astrid did make sure she got her plate of morning tea (and her cup of raspberry tea), and Soren thoroughly enjoyed himself by sitting on the bench and being fed chicken sandwiches (I was superfluous to his needs with chicken sandwiches on offer).


Despite the fact that most adults hate ‘pass the parcel’ the little kids love it, and Astrid specifically requested it, so I had to oblige. Those damn parcels take forever to wrap, and about 5 minutes to destroy.  The kids loved the game. It was endlessly amusing that the 3 year old girls didn’t want to pass the parcel and thought they should get to open every layer, and the older boys tried to outsmart the music man (Anto) by holding onto the parcel for as long as humanly possible each turn.


Soren insisted on joining in and also had a great time, despite not really having a clue what was going on!  I love that no matter how much food you provide at a party, whatever treat is inside the parcel must be eaten immediately. Freddos and lollypops were being consumed all over the shop.  Soren looked a bit jealous he wasn’t allowed any…….

Finally it was time to blow out the candles and sing happy birthday. Astrid is a star at this process and ensured she joined in for a rousing rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ before getting those candles extinguished quick smart!

Then it was time to eat the delicious cake, easier said than done when already stuffed to the gills with party food. Astrid inhaled her piece and when I (stupidly) asked if she had had enough. She told me very matter of factly that she hadn’t and would like another piece. Soren spent the time trying to pull his sisters pigtails, but even that wasn’t deterring her from cake demolition!


 Given Soren was about the jump out of his skin with excitement, I relented and let him have his first tiny taste of cake. I think he actually thought it was a bit sweet, and he wasn’t entirely convinced! Given his sister’s love for all things sweet I’m not counting on that stance lasting……


Soren eventually realised he needed a feed and then promptly conked out unconscious from all the partying…….

All too soon for Astrid’s liking the party guests all had to head home. She kept informing us that ‘the party is STILL going’. Apparently it wasn’t over until she said it was! Luckily we placated her with present opening…..


One thoroughly spoilt little girl had a fantastic afternoon playing with all her new presents and enjoying her last day of being 2!  We did get told all afternoon that the ‘party was still going’ and tomorrow ‘was her REAL birthday’.  Special mention to our friend Chris, who last year managed to get the wrong month for Astrid’s party. This year he got the right day but the wrong time and turned up 2 hours after the party had ended, but managed to help us eat more of the food. It did also add validity to Astrid’s claim that the party was still going!

A very over-tired little girl went to be that night, all partied out and ready to wake up three.  Thank you to all those who helped us with the party and came to help us celebrate. Only 4 months until we do it all again for Soren!

Of course there were more presents, more excitement and more food on her REAL birthday…… more about that later.

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