Favourite Photo Friday – 16/1/15

This week it’s a few of my favourite photos I took the other day in the paddock near our house. We often take the alpacas for a wander there on our daily walk,  to let them graze, and let the kids have some fun outside.

Astrid has been riding her new bike down to the paddock, most days.  The bike is currently in balance bike mode, and she hasn’t been doing too badly with it.  Anto has convinced her that wheelies are a good thing to practice……. I’m not sure that is a good idea!

Meanwhile, Søren loves to sit under the tree and watch the alpacas graze. He is not a huge fan of keeping his hat on, but Astrid was just as bad at the same age!  He is also a fan of eating sticks, dirt and leaves. Luckily a biscuit can be a good distraction.

D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 400 focal length 70mm
Exposure: 1/3200 @ f3.5
D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 125 focal length 70mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f3.5
D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 125 focal length 70mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f3.5
D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 125 focal length 70mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f3.5
D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 125 focal length 40mm
Exposure: 1/1000 @ f3.2
D7000 with Nikon 35-70mm f2.8
ISO 125 focal length 40mm
Exposure: 1/250 @ f2.8

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