Favourite Photo Friday 20/2/15

It’s been another week of teething baby fun…… It would appear that Master Søren has decided to grow all his teeth at once.  Three are now through and at least 5 more waiting to come through (including more molars and eye teeth).  He has been a ball of baby misery for a couple of weeks now.  It turns out he also has ear infections, so that explains part of the non-sleeping, screaming like a banshee behaviour!  Now with antibiotics and some better pain meds we might all get some desperately needed sleep.

As a result of this weeks sickness I haven’t taken a huge amount of photos or done anything with the ones I have taken.  I’ve still been attempting to sort through my back catalogue of photos, in the 5.2 seconds that Søren has actually been asleep and not laying on me.

I’ve been working on 2012 this week and was reminded about how Astrid decided to cut molars and eye teeth while we were on our Europe trip, just to make our lives extra special!  One day she got quite sick, which lead us to have the not so exciting experience of trying to find an English speaking doctor in Paris on short notice.  It turns out Astrid also had an ear infection, as well as conjunctivitis, probably both related to teething. She was almost 16 months old at the time.  Seems like history is repeating itself.  

Astrid timed her illness very poorly as we had organised to go to Monet’s Gardens in Giverny, France.  The day we planned to go was actually the last day the Gardens were open for the year (they close over Winter, a fact we had discovered a couple of days earlier).  Astrid had been slightly under the weather but not too bad, so we headed off for the day.  Luckily she held up not too badly, but you can tell from the photos she wasn’t her happy self.  The next day when we visited Opera Garnier, in Paris she went downhill rapidly and that is when we twigged what was going on. More about that here…….

I know I take a bazillion photos but looking back through them reminds me so clearly of what we did, saw and experienced on a day. Not just when we are travelling, but at home too.  Looking back at the Monet’s Garden photos last night reminded me of the whole ear infection debacle and it would appear that even second time parenting, when not in a foreign country, we take awhile to figure out what is going on with our baby………  We also have children that are awful teethers and get ear infections at annoying times!

For this weeks Favourite Photo Friday, I’ve picked some of my favourite pictures from our visit to Monet’s Gardens.  If you are ever in France, do try to get to Giverny to see them, they are beyond stunning. I’d love to go back and visit in Spring (it was the last days of Autumn when we were there).  I could have wandered for many hours and taken thousands of photos. Our visit was cut somewhat short by a sick Astrid but she did enjoy her run and play in all the beautiful gardens before the long train ride back to Paris. More about that day and plenty of photos in this post.……..

D80 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 250 focal length 12mm
Exposure: 1/1000 @ f4.0
D80 with Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro
ISO 250 focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/1000 @ f2.8

D80 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 250 focal length 12mm
Exposure: 1/640 @ f4.0
D80 with Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro
ISO 250 focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/320 @ f3.5

D80 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 250 focal length 19mm
Exposure: 1/500 @ f4.0
D80 with Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro
ISO 250 focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/2000 @ f3.2
These photos pretty much some up the day…… poor sick and sleepy Astrid, trying to enjoy herself with a bikkie and a run around in the glorious sunshine despite feeling awful (somewhat reminiscent of my past week with Søren).
D80 with Tokina 12-24mm f4.0
ISO 400 focal length 24mm
Exposure: 1/200 @ f10.0
D80 with Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro
ISO 250 focal length 90mm
Exposure: 1/1600 @ f2.8

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