Favourite Photo Friday – 23/1/15

I’ve been a bit slack with the photo posting and blogging this week.  When  tidying up all my photos in Lightroom I discovered all the backlog of photos from several years ago that I hadn’t properly put into collections or key worded.  Oh around 36,000 of them.  I’ve been really good at organising photos since about 2011 and good at key wording them since 2012, but before that, well um, not so good!  Of course once I discovered this problem I had to start fixing it………  still 22,000 to go, but as a result not a lot of posting got done this week.  The cranky teething 15 month old also had something to do with that………

Speaking of that cranky (but cute) Master Søren, this weeks favourite photo is a little comparison of him now and this time last year.  It seems like just the other day he was this little.  Now he is fully mobile, part monkey and up to all sorts of mischief. They grow up so fast!!!

This time last year…… (3 months)

D7000 with Nikon 85mm f1.8
ISO 1600 focal length 85mm
Exposure: 1/100 @ f1.8

This week…………(15 months)

D7000 with Nikon 50mm f1.8
ISO 640 focal length 50mm
Exposure: 1/200 @ f2.5

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