Favourite Photo Friday – 20 May 2016

It has been a very long time since I’ve done a ‘Favourite Photo Friday’ post.  It was definitely before we went to Europe in early December.  I’m now finally done with those travel blogs and have caught up on my editing for the last few months.

Just when I was getting ready to write some new blogs, we’ve all been sick.  Anto is in the US for work so of course an ear infection and gastro has struck the house and there has been a lot of washing and not a lot of eating (or writing blog posts).

I do have quite a few photos from the last couple of months to share, but to start here are a few of my favourites from about 5 weeks ago.  These photos of Astrid and Soren were actually taken the day of my Nanna’s funeral. It was a very sad day for us all, but I know my Nanna would have loved seeing her great-grandchildren all dressed up and looking their cute (and cheeky) little selves…….


D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 400 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/80 @ f4.0
D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 400 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/160 @f4.0
D7000 with Nikon 35mm f1.8G
ISO 400 focal length 35mm
Exposure: 1/80 @ f4.0

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