Autumn adventures – the 2021 family picture edition….

We are now in the depths of a chilly Canberra Winter, but it seems like just the other day it was beautiful Autumn weather. Canberra put on a truly spectacular Autumn this year. Glorious sunny days, lovely temperatures and magnificent Autumn tree colour.

I gave the camera a bit of a workout in our garden and might even get around to posting some of those photos soon. I did make sure we got out to take a few pictures together too. I may have scored a long-awaited photo printer for my birthday, and wanted to get some updated pictures I could print for the grandparents. Well we got plenty and it was super-awesome being able to print my own shots! As usual the kids loved getting dressed up and tossing leaves around. Although compliance was higher from the youngest member of the family – a poser in the making!

Here are a selection of many of my favourites……..

We even managed to get a few of us all together. The kids are getting so big! I swear Zinnia was tiny not that long ago. Now she declares ‘me not a ‘tobbler‘ any more, me a big girl!’

She is definitely still the ruler of the household, bossing her older siblings about!

Zinnia is also most definitely happy to have her photo taken, anywhere, any time! She insisted on her pretty sparkly dress and showing me how she can run and dance! She has perfected her cheeky face too 🙂

Nothing is better than running at Dad and getting him to throw you in the air!

Meanwhile big brother, Soren, is still a fan of his suit. He insisted on wearing the suit and bow tie. He had definitely perfected the dapper young man look!

……. and is also still a fan of being thrown in the air (or hung upside down) by Dad!

Astrid can still turn on the charm and be cooperative when she wants to. I swear she was Zinnia sized about 5 minutes ago and is now almost 10!

We never seem to get all of us in the same photo often enough, but we managed a few, and scrubbed up OK.

Zinnia thinks we should put pretty clothes on every day and take photos. I’m not sure I have the patience for that but maybe more than once a year would be good! She certainly enjoyed her dancing in the Autumn afternoon sun…..

It’s pretty rare for all three kids to be friends at the same time. That’s why it’s important to have photographic evidence when it happens! They can be cute when they want to be. I’ll take the cute photos and try and forget about the rest 😉

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